
Offering the best in - Internet, Technology & Telephone

IT Field Sourcing

Are you a national IT / Tech Support organization looking to have a local project handled in North Idaho and Eastern Washington? Intechtel offers contracted IT services on an incidental or project basis. One call to 208-635-4400 gets a resource secured for your project with negotiable payment terms on an hourly or time and materials basis . Some of the items we specialize in include: Data / Internet cabling, termination, or moves Computer hardware troubleshooting […]

What Internet Service

Picking the right Internet service can sometimes be a pain, and we understand that. There are many different types of service, speeds, and brands out there and picking the right one for your home or business is important. For the most part, we have been taught to believe that speed is the most important thing and that the package with the highest speed at the lowest cost wins, right? Not so fast. When it comes […]

Before You Buy a Phone System

7 Things to know before buying your next phone system Getting the right phone system for your business shouldn’t be difficult. After all, most of you who are reading this probably have better things to do with your time (like running your business or department). If it seems to you that phone system vendors do nothing more than confuse you with features, functions and technical jargon, you are not alone. Many folks throw their hands […]

Intechtel Telephone

Intechtel offers a variety of telephone system and service options from the best names in the business. When you partner with Intechtel, you get a partner who is your single point of contact for all of your telephone needs. Think of it as having a dedicated account manager just for your business. No more getting the runaround as you get transferred from department to department trying to find someone to answer your question or take […]

Seraphinite AcceleratorBannerText_Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.