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Virus and Spyware Removal

Viruses, spyware, malware, and other malicious software can wreak havoc on your computer. They can range from mostly benign and annoying advertisements and crude links to stealing your personal information and identity. In any case, its important to keep your computer free of unwanted software that can slow down performance or cause your computer to not work at all. We also specialize in mobile phone antivirus setup, maintenance, and training.

At Intechtel, we know how to keep your computer running smoothly and free of malicious software. Even if your computer is already infected, we have the tools to help repair your computer and keep it healthy.

We will also show you the best practices for keeping your computer virus-free  and get you set up with the best in internet security, and antivirus software available for your needs. Call or text us at 208-635-4400 for more information.

What can we do?

  • Identify existing virus, malware, and spyware infections and eliminate them
  • Repair file and/or registry damage that may have occurred
  • Protect your computer from future infections with up-to-date antivirus software
  • Ensure your hardware and software firewalls are setup for optimal protection
  • Remove any malicious, fake “registry fix or “spyware scanner” software that will not uninstall
  • Identify and remove old trial versions of antivirus software that are no longer used
  • Counsel you in the best practices for staying virus-free and up-to-date
  • Setup antivirus and security on your smartphone that also allows you to lock and track your phone remotely
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