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Why Call a Telecom Agent Instead?

Why Call a Telecom Agent Instead?

Telecom Agent Vs Internet and Phone Companies

Today I want to talk about telecom agents. Many people have had an experience with an “Internet company” stopping by their home or business to talk about the latest and greatest service. They may say something along the lines of how great their service is and how horrible all other options are.

A telecom agent differs from an Internet company in that the telecom agent represents a multitude of providers. You can think of a telecom agent as an agent, just like a Hollywood star would have. Somebody that represents them and shops them around to get that actor the best deal for their career. That’s much the same as a telecom agent.

What’s an Agent?

As telecom agents, Intechtel aligns with customer’s wants, interests, and needs to find them the best Internet and telecommunications services.  One of the main benefits of using a telecom agent is that you are getting a carrier agnostic perspective. Telecom agents don’t work for just one company, but a large variety of companies. This allows customers to get what’s best for them, regardless of who the provider is.

Shop for What Matters Most

For some customers, their greatest concern is speed or reliability. So, we would only shop out providers that offer high-speeds or high reliability. Maybe even service level agreements in the case of fiber or Ethernet. For other customers it’s cost. They need to maximize their savings. For some customers, they may have multiple sites that they want to bring under one roof and they only want to work with one person that can handle all their services.

Technical Support

In addition, telecom agents are typically your first line of defense for all things customer service and tech support. Instead of trying to track down a toll-free number, sitting on hold for an hour, waiting for a callback, and then trying to explain a complicated issue, you can just call your telecom agent whenever there is a problem. You would tell the local agent what’s going on and then the agent can work directly with the service provider to resolve that problem.

For the customer, this equates to SAVED time, SAVED money, and SAVED frustration. Let the telecom agent do the translation between the technical issue and the end-user. Our customers get to focus on what they do best while we do what we do best, technology support and service.

Personal Service

Another key benefit of choosing a telecom agent is the personal relationship. When we work with someone to get them Internet and telecommunications services, it’s not just a one-time call. We take care of customers’ support needs and future technology needs. Being local allows us to see and talk with customers, unlike what you would experience with a call center representative with a big Internet company.

Best of Both Worlds

So, you get quality Internet/phone service from the large provider, but you also get great, local customer service. When you see poor reviews for Internet companies and phone companies, invariably you will see that the issue was not addressed, that the customer service was poor, or that there was a lack of communication. This is where a telecommunications agent can help fill in the gap.

Partnerships and Providers

Intechtel works with Internet providers, telephone service providers, SD-WAN providers, and cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon. We represent well over 200 carriers including most local carriers that are represented nationally. In addition, we also have partnerships with some of the smaller local Internet providers.  We can work with multiple providers at the same time to provide a single point to contact for our customers.

Great for Businesses

For businesses especially, it’s nice to have a telecom agent that can help with telecom services as the business needs grow and change. Keep in mind, it’s never too late to start working with a telecom agent. Most agents are happy to provide quotes to help people see what’s out there. There might be a better service or a better price, so it never hurts to ask.

Contact Intechtel Today

If you have questions or what to know more about how a telecom agent can help, give us a call at (208)635-4400 or stop by our office at 5431 N. Government Way, Suite 101C in Coeur d’Alene.

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